About Me
Thank you for stopping by. My name is Mika Tamura.
I am currently an Associate Professor at the Faculty of Engineering, Kyushu University in
I also serve as Coordinator for International Undergraduate Programs, and I am on the staff
of International Education Center of Engineering.
My research spans across a range of areas including internationalization of higher
education, intercultural communication and foreign language learning.
I received my PhD from Kyushu University Graduate School of Social and Cultural Studies.
My research spans across a range of areas including foreign language teaching & learning, intercultural communication, and internationalization of higher education. As a liberal arts faculty member belonging to the Faculty of Engineering, I am actively conducting research that integrates humanities and sciences through collaborative research across between disciplines.
I am currently teaching Japanese language courses of three level ranging from pre-intermediate level to professional level using CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning) approach where students learn a subject and a second language at the same time. I am also in charge of some EMI (English Medium Instruction) courses such as Advanced Engineering and Japanese Industry.
As a faculty member in charge of international students, I am promoting service learning and community engagement where international students in English-based degree programs in science and engineering English at Kyushu University contribute to the neighboring community with the support of local Government, NGOs, and International Exchange Association.
- 前回に引き続き、私の中級レベルの日本語の授業で採用しているCLILという言語の教育手法について、他の類似した手法と比較しながらより詳しく書いていきたいと思います。私は現在日本語を教えているのですが、元々専門は第二言語として...
- いつも遅刻気味の月曜日のアンバサダーです。実は、前回に引き続き、言語教育の手法について書こうと思っていたのですが、どうしても気になるトピックがあるので、そのことについてまとめてみようと思います。ちょうど私が教えている日本語...
- 夜遅くにnoteを書くと思考停止していい文章が書けないから、昼間に書こうと思ってたのに、またこの時間にPCに向かう学ばない月曜日のアンバサダーです。このnoteでは今注目を浴びている革新的な教育のデザインについて書こうと思...
If you have any inquiries, please contact me on this email.
お問合せ等はこちらのemail アドレスにお願いします。